Sanchez, Thomas W., Xinyu Fu, Tan Yigitcanlar, and Xinyue Ye. 2024. The Research Landscape of AI in Urban Planning: A Topic Analysis of the Literature with ChatGPT. Urban Science 8, 4: 197.
Sanchez, Thomas W., Yiheng Qian, and Xiang Yan. 2024. AI Applications in Transportation and Equity: A Survey of U.S. Transportation Professionals. Future Transportation. 4, 1161-1176.
Fu, Xinyu, Chaosu Li, Catherine Brinkley, and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2024. Text mining public feedback on urban densification plan change in Hamilton, New Zealand. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, forthcoming.
Vilalta, Carlos, Pablo Lopez-Ramirez, Thomas W. Sanchez, and Gustavo Fondivila. 2024. The spatial clustering and heterogeneity of the burglary and concentrated disadvantage relationship in Washington, DC. GeoJournal 89, 129.
Yigitcanlar, Tan, Sajani Senadheera, Raveena Marasinghe, Simon Elias Bibri, Thomas W. Sanchez, Federico Cugurullo, and Renee Sieber. 2024. The Local Government and Artificial Intelligence Nexus: A Five-Decade Scientometric Analysis on Evolution, State-of-The-Art, and Emerging Trends. Cities, 105151.
Sanchez, Thomas W., Marc Brenman, and Xinyue Ye. 2024. The Ethical Concerns of Artificial Intelligence in Urban Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 0(0).
Du, Jiaxin, Xinyue Ye, Piotr Jankowski, Thomas W. Sanchez, and Gengchen Mai. 2024. Artificial intelligence enabled participatory planning: a review, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 28(2), 183-210. DOI:
Xinyu Fu, Thomas W. Sanchez, Chaosu Li and Juliana Reu Junqueira 2024. Deciphering Public Voices in the Digital Era, Journal of the American Planning Association, DOI:
Son, Tim Heinrich, Zack Weedon, Tan Yigitcanlar, Thomas W. Sanchez, Juan M. Corchado, & Rashid Mehmood. 2023. Algorithmic urban planning for smart and sustainable development: Systematic review of the literature. Sustainable Cities and Society, 104562.
Sanchez, Thomas W. and Xinyue Ye. 2023. The Implications of Human Mobility and Accessibility for Transportation and Livable Cities. Urban Science, 7(4), 107.
Du, Jiaxin, Xinyue Ye, Piotr Jankowski, Thomas W. Sanchez, and Gengchen Mai. 2023. Artificial intelligence enabled participatory planning: a review, International Journal of Urban Sciences, DOI:
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2023. Planning on the Verge of AI, or AI on the Verge of Planning, Urban Science, 7, 70.
Haghani, Milad, Soheil Sabri, Chris De Gruyter, Ali Ardeshiri, Zahra Shahhoseini, Thomas W. Sanchez, and Michele Acuto. 2023. The Landscape and Evolution of Urban Planning Science, Cities.
Rahmani, Mehrdad, Aynaz Lotfata, Esfandiar Zebardast, Saeed Rastegar, Thomas W. Sanchez, Babak Aminzadeh Goharrizi, and Sina Landi. 2022. Land Use Suitability Assessment for Economic Development at the Provincial Level: The Case Study of Yazd Province, Iran, Sustainable Cities and Society, 87.
Sanchez, Thomas W., Hannah Shumway, Trey Gordner, and Theo C. Lim. 2022. The Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in Urban Planning. International Journal of Urban Sciences,
Brenman, Marc and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2022. The Influence of Civil Rights and Anti-discrimination Laws on Shaping Our Transportation System, Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy, 5(1): Article 14, 111-124.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2021. Exploring the Relationship Between Combined Household Housing and Transportation Costs and Regional Economic Activity in Virginia, Land, 10(7):742.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2021. What are Urban Planning Academics Talking About on Twitter? Urban Findings,
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2021. Urban Planning Academics: Tweets and Citations. Urban Planning, 6(1): 1-8.
Vilalta, Carlos J. and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2021. The impact of city block layout on residential burglary: Mexico City as case study. Crime, Law and Social Change, 75: 73-88.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2020. The Most Frequently Cited Topics in Urban Planning Scholarship. Urban Science, 4(1), 4.
Gebresselassie, Mahtot and Thomas W Sanchez. 2018. ‘Smart’ Tools for Socially-sustainable Transport: A Review of Mobility Apps. Urban Science, 2(2), 45.
Vilalta, Carlos J., Thomas W. Sanchez, and Fondevila, Gustavo. 2018. A Descriptive Model of the Relationship Between Police CCTV Systems and Crime. Evidence from Mexico City. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal.
Afzalan, Nader and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2017. Testing the use of crowdsourced information: Case study of bikeshare infrastructure planning in Cincinnati, Ohio. Urban Planning, 2(3): 33-44.
Afzalan, Nader, Thomas W. Sanchez, and Jennifer Evans-Cowley. 2017. Creating Smarter Cities: Considerations for Selecting Online Participatory Tools, Cities, 67: 21-30.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2016. Faculty Performance Evaluation using Citation Analysis: An Update, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 37(1): 83-94.
Sanchez Thomas W. Vidimos ”akademicheskikh issledovaniy po gradostroitel”stvu i budushchee vebometriki MGSU [Proceedings of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering]. 2015, no. 3, pp. 119—137. (In Russian. Translation from English: Thomas W. Sanchez. Academic Visibility for Urban Planning and the Webometric Future. The Journal of the World Universities Forum, Volume 6, 2014, pp. 37—52.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2015. Where Has Housing Policy Debate Been? Housing Policy Debate, 25(2): 1-7.
Cowley, Jennifer S. Evans, Thomas W. Sanchez, Nader Afzalan, Abel S. Lizcano, Zachary Kenitzer, and Thomas Evans. 2014. Learning about E-Planning: The Results of a Massive Open Online Course Experiment, International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(3): 53-76.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2014. Academic Visibility for Urban Planning and the Webometric Future, The Journal of the World Universities Forum, 6(2): 37-52.
Golub, Aaron, Thomas W. Sanchez, and Richard Marcantonio. 2013. Race, Space, and Struggles for Mobility: Transportation Impacts on African-Americans in San Francisco’s East Bay, Urban Geography, 34(5): 699-728. (Click for article)
Renne, John L., Thomas W. Sanchez, Todd Litman. 2011. Carless and Special Needs Evacuation Planning, Journal of Planning Literature, 26(4): 420-431.
Renne, John L., Thomas W. Sanchez, Pam Jenkins, and Robert Peterson. 2009. “The Challenge of Evacuating the Carless in Five Major U.S. Cities: Identifying the Key Issues Being Faced”, Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2119: 36-44.
Lang, Robert E., Thomas W. Sanchez, and Asli Ceylan Oner. 2009. “Beyond Edge City: Office Geography in the New Metropolis.” Urban Geography, 30(7): 726-755.
Sanchez, Thomas W. and Marc Brenman. 2008. “Transportation Equity and Environmental Justice: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina.” Environmental Justice. 1(2): 73-80.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2008. “Poverty, Policy, and Public Transportation.”Transportation Research Part A, 42: 833-841. (Click for article)
Shen, Qing and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2006. “Residential Location, Transportation, and Welfare-to-Work in the United States: A Case Study of Milwaukee.” Housing Policy Debate, 16(3/4): 393-431. (Click for article)
Dawkins, Casey J., Qing Shen, and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2005. “Race, Space, and Unemployment Duration.” Journal of Urban Economics, 58: 91-113. (Click for article)
Nelson, Arthur C., and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2005. “The Effectiveness of Urban Containment Regimes in Reducing Exurban Sprawl,” NSL Network City and Landscape, 160: 42-47.
Sanchez, Thomas W., Robert E. Lang., and Dawn Dhavale. 2005. “Security versus Status? A First Look at the Census’s Gated Community Data,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 24: 281-291.
Sanchez, Thomas W., Rich Stolz, and Jacinta S. Ma. 2004. “Transportation Equity: Inequitable Effects of Transportation Policies on Minorities, Transportation Research Record (TRR),” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1885: 104-110.
Nelson, Arthur C., Thomas W. Sanchez, James F. Wolf, and Mary Beth Farquhar. 2004. “Metropolitan Planning Organization Voting Structure and Transit Investment Bias: Preliminary Analysis with Social Equity Implications, Transportation Research Record (TRR),” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1895: 1-7.
Nelson, Arthur C., Thomas W. Sanchez, and Casey J. Dawkins. 2004. “The Effect of Urban Containment and Mandatory Housing Elements on Racial Segregation in US Metropolitan Area, 1990-2000,” Journal of Urban Affairs, 26(3): 339-350.
Sanchez, Thomas W., Qing Shen, and Zhong-Ren Peng. 2004. “Transit Mobility, Jobs Access, and Low-Income Labor Participation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas.” Urban Studies, 41(7): 1313-1331. (Click for article)
Nelson, Arthur C., Thomas W. Sanchez, and Casey J. Dawkins. 2004. “Urban Containment and Racial Segregation: A Preliminary Assessment.” Urban Studies, 41(2): 423-439.
Sanches, Thomas W. 2004. “Land Use and Growth Impacts form Highway Capacity Increases.” Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 130(2): 75-82.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2002. “The Impact of Public Transportation on U.S. Metropolitan Wage Inequality.” Urban Studies, 39(3): 423-436. (Click for article)
Sanchez, Thomas W. and Casey J. Dawkins. 2001. “Distinguishing City and Suburban Movers: Evidence from the American Housing Survey.” Housing Policy Debate, 12(3): 607-631.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2001. “Are Planners Prepared To Address Social Justice And Distributional Equity?” Critical Planning, 8: 90-100.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 1999. “Transit Access Analysis of TANF Recipients in the City of Portland, Oregon,” Journal of Public Transportation, 2(4): 61-73.
Sanchez, Thomas W., Kenneth J. Dueker, and Anthony Rufolo. 1999. “A GIS Methodology for Assessing the Growth Impacts of Highway Improvements,”Transportation Research Record, 1660: 75-83.
Nelson, Arthur C. and Thomas W. Sanchez. 1999. “Debunking the Exurban Myth: A Comparison of Suburban Households,” Housing Policy Debate, 10(3): 689-709.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 1999. “The Connection between Public Transit and Employment,” Journal of the American Planning Association, 65(3): 284-296 (2000 Award for Best Article). (Click for article)
Mahayni, Riad G., Thomas W. Sanchez, and Eric D. Kelly. 1999. “Teaching Planning Methods through Modules,” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 18: 353-360.
Nelson, Arthur C. and Thomas W. Sanchez. 1998. “The Influence of MARTA on Population and Employment Location,” Transportation Research Record, 1604: 18-25.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 1998. “Equity Analysis of Capital Improvement Plans Using GIS: The Case of the Des Moines Urbanized Area,” Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 124(1): 33-43.
Sanchez, Thomas W., Timothy O. Borich, and Riad G. Mahayni. 1998. “Sharing of Public Works Services by Small Towns,” Public Works Management & Policy, 2(4): 327-339.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 1998. “Equity Analysis of Personal Transportation System Benefits,” Journal of Urban Affairs, 20(1): 69-86.
Nelson, Arthur C. and Thomas W. Sanchez. 1997. “Exurban and Suburban Residents: A Departure from Traditional Location Theory,” Journal of Housing Research, 8(2): 249-276.
Nelson, Arthur C., Thomas W. Sanchez, Catherine L. Ross, and Michael D. Meyer. 1997. “Rail Transit in the Suburbs: Case Study of Transit Use in Atlanta’s Affluent Northern Tier,” Transportation Research Record, 1571: 142-150.
Nelson, Arthur C. and Thomas W. Sanchez. 1995. “Socio-economic Considerations of Road Impact Fees,” Transportation Research Record, 1498: 32-35.
Other Publications
Sanchez, Thomas W. Citation analysis of urban planning scholars in the U.S. Stroitel’stvo: nauka i obrazovanie [Construction: Science and Education]. 2015, no. 1, paper 3. Available at:
Sanchez, Thomas W. and Marc Brenman. 2010. Transportation and Civil Rights, Poverty & Race, Poverty & Race Research Action Council, Washington, D.C.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2009. An Effective Equity Approach to Transportation Funding Analysis, Race, Poverty, and the Environment, Urban Habitat, Oakland, CA.
Sanchez, Thomas W. and Marc Brenman. 2008. The Right to Transportation, Planning Magazine, American Planning Association, Chicago, IL.
Lang, Robert E., Thomas W. Sanchez and Lawrence Levy. 2008. The New Suburban Swingers: How America’s Most Contested Suburban Counties Could Decide the Next President. Election Report 08:02, Metropolitan Institute, Virginia Tech.
Lang, Robert E., and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2008. America’s ‘Global Metros’ and Presidential Politics, Election Report, Metropolitan Institute, Virginia Tech.
Lang, Robert E., and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2006. Suburban Blues, Election Report, Metropolitan Institute, Virginia Tech.
Sanchez, Thomas W., and Robert E. Lang. 2003. Security versus Status: The Two Worlds of Gated Communities, Census Note, Metropolitan Institute, Virginia Tech.
Nelson, Arthur C. and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2003. Lassoing Suburban Sprawl. Metroscape, Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies, Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Nelson, Arthur C. and Thomas W. Sanchez. 2002. Lassoing Exurban Sprawl, Proceedings of: Post Suburbia: Examining the New Metropolitan Form, Fannie Mae Foundation, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 2002. Census 2000: First Take. Metroscape, Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies, Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Sanchez, Thomas W. and Robert J. Kane. 2000. Crime in the Metroscape. Metroscape, Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies, Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 1998. The Connection Between Public Transit and Employment: Are Buses a Solution to Spatial Mismatch? Proceedings of the Transportation, Land Use, and Air Quality Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers Conference on Transportation, Land Use and Air Quality, Portland, OR.
Sanchez, Thomas W. and Arthur C. Nelson. 1994. Exurban and Suburban Residents: A Departure from Traditional Location Theory?, Fannie Mae Working Paper Series.
Sanchez, Thomas W. 1993. Measuring the Impacts of Highways and Roads on Residential Property Values with GIS: An Empirical Analysis of Atlanta, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Atlanta, GA.