A Year in Review(s)

Academia relies on a steady stream of reviews— journal articles, promotion and tenure packages, book proposals, research proposals—the list goes on. Every week, we are bombarded with requests to review, critique, and provide detailed feedback (I had 243 review invitations in 2024). It’s considered part of our service to the profession, a pillar of academic life alongside research, teaching, and administrative responsibilities. But here’s the question: do we really get credit for this work?

Universities often talk about the importance of service, but they rarely quantify the impact or quality of peer review. Whether we review for prestigious journals or lesser-known outlets, whether our reviews are rigorous or perfunctory, the effort often goes unnoticed in tenure and promotion discussions. There are no metrics or tangible recognition for the hundreds of hours spent guiding the research record and shaping the literature of our fields. It’s invisible labor, both expected and undervalued.

The irony is that without this work, the entire academic publishing ecosystem would collapse. Publishers rely on our willingness to review, often within short deadlines and without compensation. Meanwhile, the volume of requests has ballooned as more journals proliferate and expectations for detailed peer feedback increase. It’s not uncommon to feel like we’re doing publishers’ jobs for free—offloading tasks that in many industries would be paid positions.

So, what’s the answer? Perhaps it’s time for systemic change. Universities should explicitly recognize and reward peer review in annual evaluations, tenure dossiers, and merit raises. Professional associations could create standardized ways to quantify and verify review contributions, such as issuing certifications or service credits. Some journals and publishers offer tangible incentives, from reduced article processing fees to honoraria as well as “reviewer of the year” awards. These are a step in the right direction, particularly for junior faculty members.

At the very least, the conversation needs to shift. Peer review is essential intellectual labor, and it deserves more than a vague nod to “service.” Without recognition, this invisible work will continue to burden an already overstretched academic workforce, leaving us to ask: how much is too much, and when will enough finally be enough?

Below is my list of publication review invites. I’m especially flattered by Cogent Food & Agriculture, Dermatological Reviews, Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior, and Oncology and Translational Medicine for recognizing my expertise in these research fields. More than anything this points to sloppy work by journal editors who should be identifying appropriate and qualified reviewers – yet another problem with the system.

Advanced Control for Applications1
Applied Economic Letters1
Applied Geography1
Applied Sciences3
Big Data & Society1
Cartography and Geographic Information Science1
Cogent Food & Agriculture1
Data & Policy1
Data in Brief2
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery1
Dermatological Reviews2
Egyptian Informatics Journal1
Engineering Management Review1
Engineering Reports1
Environment and Planning B2
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators1
Environmental Research Letters2
Environmental Science and Ecotechnology1
European Journal of Education1
European Planning Studies2
Frontiers in Computer Science1
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities1
Future Transporation1
Geoscience Data Journal1
Habitat International1
IEEE Engineering Management Review1
IEEE Software1
IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy, and Regulation1
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles1
IETE Technical Review1
Information System and Smart City1
Information, Communication and Society1
International Journal of Consumer Studies1
International Journal of Environmental Research1
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation1
International Journal of Urban Science1
International Planning Studies1
IT Professional1
Journal of Arid Environments1
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering6
Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior1
Journal of Cleaner Production1
Journal of Data and Information Science1
Journal of Economy and Technology1
Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences1
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management1
Journal of Housing & Society book1
Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making1
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development5
Journal of Innovation and Technology Management1
Journal of International Development2
Journal of Knowledge Management2
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering1
Journal of Medical Education1
Journal of Planning History1
Journal of Planning Literature1
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities2
Journal of Transport Geography2
Journal of Urban Planning and Development1
Journal of Urban Technology2
Journal of Urban Technology special issue1
Land Use Policy1
Landscape and Urban Planning3
Nature Cities1
Next Sustainability1
Oncology and Translational Medicine1
Open Journal of Political Science2
Planning Perspectives1
Planning Theory1
PLOS Climate1
Plos One1
PNAS Nexus1
Smart Sciences1
Social Sciences & Humanities Open4
Sociological Focus1
Survey Review2
Sustainable Futures1
Technology | Architecture + Design1
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management1
Transport Policy1
Travel Behaviour and Society1
Urban Climate1
Urban Governance2
Urban Planning1
Urban Resilience and Sustainability2
Urban Resilience and Sustainability special issue (guest edit)1
Urban Science30
Value in Health1

Note: I am an editorial board member for Land and Urban Science, and do several pre-reviews for those journals.

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Winter 2025 Urban Planning Citation Update

The updated citation data have just been posted at ScholarMetrics. Thanks to those of you who provided corrections, updates, and other faculty information. As mentioned before, there is no (easy) way to provide real-time updates due to Google Scholar limitations. I scrape Google Scholar Profiles for faculty who maintain them (about 800 of you) and then I use Harzing’s Publish or Perish to search publications and metrics for those who don’t have profiles (about 250). There is a lot of manual work involved so I’m only able to provide updates twice a year. I focus on only active, full-time, tenure-track faculty because program comparisons are meant to reflect current faculty activities. This means adjuncts, retired, emeritus, lecturers, etc. are not included because the expectations for scholarly productivity are not the same as for current, tenured or tenure-track faculty. Links to previous years and more background are provided at Scholarmetrics. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions at: twsanchez@tamu.edu.

Top schools by median citations

Top faculty by total citations and H-Index

Posted in academic visibility, analytics, bibliometrics, Citation analysis, planning | Leave a comment

The Ethical Concerns of Artificial Intelligence in Urban Planning

See our new open access article in the Journal of the American Planning Association on the ethics of AI in planning. Co-authors Marc Brenman, Xinyue Ye, and I welcome your comments. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01944363.2024.2355305

Posted in AI, ethics, planning, urban | Leave a comment

Summer 2024 Urban Planning Citation Update

The updated citation data have just been posted at ScholarMetrics. Thanks to those of you who provided corrections, updates, and other faculty information. As mentioned before, there is no (easy) way to provide real-time updates due to Google Scholar limitations. I scrape Google Scholar Profiles for faculty who maintain them (about 800 of you) and then I use Harzing’s Publish or Perish to search publications and metrics for those who don’t have profiles (about 250). There is a lot of manual work involved so I’m only able to provide updates twice a year. Usually after I post updates I’ll receive several corrections which take a couple of weeks to clean up. A common question I get is about who is included. I try to only include active, full-time, tenure-track faculty because program comparisons are meant to reflect current faculty activities for assistant, associate, and full professors. This means adjuncts, retired, emeritus, lecturers, etc. are not included because the expectations for scholarly productivity are not the same as for current, tenure or tenure-track faculty. Links to previous years and more background are provided at Scholarmetrics. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions at: twsanchez@tamu.edu.

Figure 1. Top schools by median citations

Figure 2. Top faculty by total citations and H-Index

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Call for Chapters

Download the call for chapters here.

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Call for Papers

Special Issue “Big Data in Urban Land Use Planning” in Land.

With the development of urbanization and population growth, the problem of human–land conflict has become increasingly serious, and it is restricting the healthy and sustainable development of the urban landscape. Since the urban land use planning process is complex and involves social, economic, environmental, and political systems, knowledge of how these systems interact is the domain of professional planners. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technology present planners with a ripe opportunity to critically assess their approaches and explore how new data collection, analysis, and methods can augment their understanding of places, as they seek to anticipate a future with an overall improved quality of life. Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technology can offer access to more and enhanced information regarding travel patterns, energy consumption, land utilization, and environmental impacts, while also helping to better integrate these systems.

For this Special Issue, we invite you to submit original research articles and reviews that provide insights into big data and urban land use planning. Research areas may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. Application of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technology in urban land management;
  2. Urban land use and transportation;
  3. Multi-source heterogeneous spatiotemporal data fusion of urban land;
  4. Geographic big data mining;
  5. Urban land use change detection.

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Winter 2024 Urban Planning Citation Update

The recently updated citation data have been posted at ScholarMetrics. Just over 76% of the faculty being tracked (802 out of 1,054) have Google Scholar Citation Profiles and the rest of the faculty included are updated manually. I greatly appreciate those of you who send updates and corrections. Please let me know if you have any suggestions at: twsanchez@tamu.edu.

All Schools (Total Faculty Citations)

Planning SchoolFacultyMedianMean
The New School63,8455,060
Arizona State University163,3486,080
New York University72,7223,495
Georgia Tech152,4602,776
University of Toronto82,3712,037
University of Colorado, Denver62,3593,010
McGill University72,2884,817
University of Minnesota112,1783,727
UC Berkeley142,1076,116
University of British Columbia142,0673,850
Tufts University82,0184,666
Universite Laval131,9942,394
Rutgers University191,8092,727
University of Massachusetts-Amherst71,7311,699
University of Pennsylvania151,7032,946
University of Maryland101,6822,386
Virginia Tech121,6652,523
University of Michigan151,6462,740
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York121,6221,848
University of Delaware41,6021,397
Northeastern University101,5801,467
Harvard University91,5243,378
University of Waterloo, Ontario191,3701,811
Florida State University101,3671,397
Ohio State University141,3301,431
University of Saskatchewan51,3141,086
Queen’s University71,2701,506
University of South Florida41,2591,216
University of Iowa51,2241,394
University of Utah91,2005,984
Portland State University171,1702,134
Florida Atlantic University61,1291,665
University of Alberta141,1212,624
York University101,1082,262
Michigan State University91,0961,263
University of Washington131,0953,654
University of Illinois, Chicago171,0862,958
University of Oregon141,0421,403
San Diego State University41,0351,153
Temple University31,012702
University of Virginia109792,742
University of Louisville129671,185
University of Texas, Austin119161,496
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign119001,802
Cornell University188672,004
Simon Fraser University78441,232
UC Irvine218152,950
Texas Southern University88114,004
Texas A&M University248072,339
State University of New York at Albany47991,596
Northern Arizona University8711660
San Jose State University116751,061
Hunter College8618780
Rowan University4610637
University of Texas, San Antonio4583562
University of New Orleans6570596
University of Hawaii85691,020
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo8551902
Clemson University5536755
Cleveland State University7535859
Miami University6518549
University of Arizona7517457
University of Wisconsin, Madison135131,039
University of Toledo94961,472
Wayne State University5478897
University of Florida124761,432
University of Massachusetts-Boston114681,143
Virginia Commonwealth University9468507
University of Guelph8454483
University of Texas, Arlington64521,073
Dalhousie University6451563
Morgan State University6451617
Universite de Montreal124321,181
University of Memphis5430618
University of Missouri-Kansas City44111,007
Iowa State University10404591
UC San Diego113955,340
Alabama A&M University6346711
University of Calgary8337975
California State University, Northridge7320407
University of Nebraska32961,694
University of Pittsburgh3292298
University of Kansas4272534
University of Manitoba6265883
Eastern Washington3255296
East Carolina University4244389
University of New Mexico7239384
University of Quebec in Montreal16235617
University of Cincinnati12225818
Columbia University62212,721
Western Washington University5214323
New Jersey Institute of Technology7197594
Auburn University5189278
University of Oklahoma3166128
Toronto Metropolitan University16162720
Jackson State University6142538
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee31301,065
Minnesota State University, Mankato6101184
Rutgers University, School of Environmental & Biological Sciences7100826
West Chester University787216
Indiana University of Pennsylvania487164
Kansas State University487114
University of Georgia779221
Cal Poly, Pomona775562
Pratt Institute575160
Ball State University560253
Westfield State University828332
University of Puerto Rico611107
Appalachian State University2676676
University of Northern British Columbia2644644
University of Southern Maine2484484
Missouri State University2300300
Eastern Michigan University266
Savannah State University1275275
Salisbury University1220220
Georgetown University15151
Posted in academic visibility, bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Google Scholar, planning, publications | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Summer 2023 Urban Planning Faculty Citation Update

The updated citation data are now available for Summer 2023. Citations are tracked for “regular” (i.e., tenure track) faculty in urban planning programs and departments in the U.S. and Canada. Nearly 75% of the faculty being tracked (790 out of 1,057) have Google Scholar Citation Profiles. See the ScholarMetrics page to look up individual faculty and planning program data. Figures 1 and 2 display citation and H-Index by rank with median number of citations for assistant, associate, and full professors is 197, 675, and 1,971 respectively. The median H-Index for assistant, associate, and full professors 6, 12, and 19 respectively. The data are available here in case you would like to do your own analyses. Please contact me if you have questions, comments, or corrections.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3 Total Citations

Michael StorperUCLA 52,629 85
Lawrence FrankUC San Diego 48,271 99
Reid EwingUniversity of Utah 38,713 72
Stewart FotheringhamArizona State University 38,369 75
Carlo RattiMIT 32,703 91
Martha FeldmanUC Irvine 32,089 49
Nik TheodoreUniversity of Illinois, Chicago 29,117 54
Robert BullardTexas Southern University 24,428 56
Julian AgyemanTufts University 23,012 47
Marta GonzalezUC Berkeley 21,828 51

Figure 4 H-Index

Lawrence FrankUC San Diego 48,271 99
Carlo RattiMIT 32,703 91
Michael StorperUCLA 52,629 85
Stewart FotheringhamArizona State University 38,369 75
Reid EwingUniversity of Utah 38,713 72
Ahmed El-GeneidyMcGill University 14,786 67
Robert NolandRutgers University 17,046 66
Daniel RodriguezUC Berkeley 15,967 64
Dale WhittingtonUNC 14,381 64
Mindy FulliloveThe New School 16,036 60

Figure 5 Schools

The New School6 3,669 4,928
USC15 3,426 4,442
Arizona State University16 3,205 5,801
UCLA27 2,804 5,978
MIT32 2,768 4,504
New York University7 2,625 3,411
Georgia Tech15 2,306 2,668
University of Maryland9 2,303 2,540
University of Colorado, Denver6 2,249 2,897
McGill University7 2,139 4,600
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Planning With Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence is a potentially transformative tool for the planning profession. This PAS Report introduces the knowledge and skills planners need to use appropriate AI methods in the service of creating more livable, resilient, and sustainable communities.


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Winter 2023 Urban Planning Faculty Citation Update

The new citation data are now available for Winter 2023. Citations are tracked for “regular” (i.e., tenure track) faculty in urban planning programs and departments in the U.S. and Canada. I am pleased to report that over 76% of the faculty being tracked (784 out of 1,039) now have Google Scholar Citation Profiles. See the ScholarMetrics page to look up individual faculty and planning program data.

Top 10 Faculty (Total Citations)

Michael StorperUCLA51,32684
Lawrence FrankUC San Diego46,59696
Reid EwingUniversity of Utah37,23171
Stewart FotheringhamArizona State University36,77473
AnnaLee SaxenianUC Berkeley36,31551
Martha FeldmanUC Irvine31,16848
Carlo RattiMIT30,69188
Nik TheodoreUniversity of Illinois, Chicago28,36553
Robert BullardTexas Southern University23,60055
Julian AgyemanTufts University22,03546

Top 10 Faculty (H-Index)

Lawrence FrankUC San Diego46,59696
Carlo RattiMIT30,69188
Michael StorperUCLA51,32684
Stewart FotheringhamArizona State University36,77473
Reid EwingUniversity of Utah37,23171
Robert NolandRutgers University16,45565
Ahmed El-GeneidyMcGill University13,84265
Dale WhittingtonUNC14,34664
Daniel RodriguezUC Berkeley15,17363
Jennifer WolchUC Berkeley20,36562

Top 10 Urban Planning Programs (Median Citations)

The New School 63,4794,804
UC Berkeley173,3638,723
Arizona State University163,0475,490
New York University92,5142,547
University of Toronto112,4401,976
UC San Diego52,25010,301

Please contact me with any corrections or questions, tom[dot]sanchez[at]vt[dot]edu.

Posted in bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Google Scholar, planning, publications | Tagged , | 2 Comments