Tag Archives: citations

Summer 2024 Urban Planning Citation Update

The updated citation data have just been posted at ScholarMetrics. Thanks to those of you who provided corrections, updates, and other faculty information. As mentioned before, there is no (easy) way to provide real-time updates due to Google Scholar limitations. I … Continue reading

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Summer 2023 Urban Planning Faculty Citation Update

The updated citation data are now available for Summer 2023. Citations are tracked for “regular” (i.e., tenure track) faculty in urban planning programs and departments in the U.S. and Canada. Nearly 75% of the faculty being tracked (790 out of … Continue reading

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Winter 2023 Urban Planning Faculty Citation Update

The new citation data are now available for Winter 2023. See the ScholarMetrics page to look up individual faculty and planning program data. Continue reading

Posted in bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Google Scholar, planning, publications | Tagged , | 2 Comments

2021 Google Scholar Citation Profiles

2021 Google Scholar Citation Profiles. A searchable and sortable list of 703 U.S. and Canadian urban planning faculty with Google Scholar Citation Profiles (as of March 9, 2021). Continue reading

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Normalizing Citation Counts (Part 2)

I received several insightful comments about my previous post on normalizing citation counts. Several people also suggested that because I calculated these indices at the individual level, that it would be interesting to see the results at the program level. Below … Continue reading

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Normalizing Citation Counts

Higher total citation counts are obviously biased toward more senior faculty who have had more time to publish and be cited. To account for this a variety of metrics have been developed to adjust for career length, output, and other … Continue reading

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Citation Activity of Urban Planning Assistant Professors

Occasionally I am asked how the citation rankings for planning programs take into account the age and rank distribution of planning programs (see most recent analysis: http://tomwsanchez.com/2018-urban-planning-faculty-citation-analysis/). They do not. Younger faculties have fewer overall citations compared to older faculties. For … Continue reading

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