Category Archives: academic visibility

Summer 2024 Urban Planning Citation Update

The updated citation data have just been posted at ScholarMetrics. Thanks to those of you who provided corrections, updates, and other faculty information. As mentioned before, there is no (easy) way to provide real-time updates due to Google Scholar limitations. I … Continue reading

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Winter 2024 Urban Planning Citation Update

Winter 2024 Urban Planning Citation Update Continue reading

Posted in academic visibility, bibliometrics, Citation analysis, Google Scholar, planning, publications | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Summer 2023 Urban Planning Faculty Citation Update

The updated citation data are now available for Summer 2023. Citations are tracked for “regular” (i.e., tenure track) faculty in urban planning programs and departments in the U.S. and Canada. Nearly 75% of the faculty being tracked (790 out of … Continue reading

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What is Urban Planning? Evidence from Google Scholar Citation Profiles

My primary interest in tracking citations is not to create a leaderboard of scholars based on their productivity. Instead, I use the information that I assemble to examine what is being published, where it is being published, and how it … Continue reading

Posted in academic visibility, bibliometrics, Google Scholar, planning, publications | 1 Comment

Urban/City Planning Google Scholar Profiles from Around the World

The following is a list of all Google Scholar Profiles with areas of interest labeled as “Urban Planning,” “Urban and Regional Planning,” “City Planning,” “Spatial Planning,” and “Regional Planning” by profile owners. Those not using these particular terms will not … Continue reading

Posted in academic visibility, bibliometrics, Citation analysis, planning, publications | 4 Comments

2020 Urban Planning Scholarly Citations: An Update

I just finished the process of updating faculty rosters for planning programs – thanks to many department/program chairs. Along with doing that, I updated the citation numbers and H-indices for individual faculty members. My 2020 database includes 109 schools in … Continue reading

Posted in academic visibility, analytics, articles, bibliometrics, Citation analysis, planning, publications, research | Leave a comment

Faculty Scholarly Productivity and Reputation in Planning: A Preliminary Citation Analysis

The following is a preliminary analysis of planning faculty listed in the Guide to Undergraduate and Graduate Education in Urban and Regional Planning (17th edition, dated 2011) published by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. I queried Google Scholar … Continue reading

Posted in academic visibility, Citation analysis, publications | 5 Comments

Academic Visibility for Urban Planning and the Webometric Future

Draft paper for presentation at the 53rd Annual ACSP Conference, Cincinnati, OH. (Click here for paper). Abstract This paper argues that the traditional emphasis of scholarly communications, citation analysis, and faculty evaluation, limited to books, book chapters, and journal articles … Continue reading

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