Category Archives: Uncategorized

Call for Papers

Special Issue “Big Data in Urban Land Use Planning” in Land. With the development of urbanization and population growth, the problem of human–land conflict has become increasingly serious, and it is restricting the healthy and sustainable development of the urban landscape. … Continue reading

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Yes, h-index and total citations are highly correlated (in case you were wondering)

Data from over 1,100 urban planning academics in the U.S. and Canada show a strong correlation between the h-index and total (career) citations. These vary by rank as shown in my early post analyzing citation levels for all planning faculty … Continue reading

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Highway Trust Fund Running Out

WASHINGTON, DC ( Authorization for the federal transportation Highway Trust Fund is set to expire July 31st.  It’s the 34th time in six years that congress has faced this dilemma. If congress does not act… Federal funds for transportation projects … Continue reading

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Excellent TechniCity 2014 Student Projects

The following are the top 20+ student projects as selected by the TechniCity instructors.  There were many, many great projects overall!  Click on the title to read more about the project.  See the 2013 projects here. Author(s) Project Agnieszka Szczepańska … Continue reading

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Diffusion of Computer Technology in California Local Government Planning Agencies

I recently dusted off my master’s thesis (typewritten) and scanned it into a PDF file.  The topic, technology adoption by urban planners, is still of interest to me but the types of technology have changed dramatically since 1985.  For my … Continue reading

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Mapping the Knowledge Domain of Planning by Tom Sanchez and Nader Afzalan

As we know, the field of urban planning is far reaching in breadth and depth. This is due to the complex nature of cities, regions, and associated development patterns. Referring to the ambitious field of urban planning, Aaron Wildavsky famously … Continue reading

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The TechniCity MOOC: An Interview with Tom Sanchez by Philip Young

Last summer I wrote a brief post about access to scholarship in a MOOC co-taught by Tom Sanchez, Professor in Urban Affairs and Planning, shortly after the course’s initial offering. After TechniCity was offered again this past spring, I thought … Continue reading

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TechniCity MindMixer Data Available

Several participants of the TechniCity MOOC have asked for the raw data of comments and other activity from the MindMixer discussion forum.  An Excel file of all activity is now available for download here. Please be sure to share the … Continue reading

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2014 Urban Planning Citation Analysis

At the end of 2013, I posted an initial citation analysis for urban planning academics using Google Scholar citations (see: I also emailed the individual data to each of the faculty included in the analysis to get their feedback. … Continue reading

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TechniCity 2014 about to get underway….

The TechniCity preview will launch this week (see:  One exciting aspect is the geographic diversity of students enrolled in the class.  As we learned last time, this adds richness to our discussions and the examples that students share with … Continue reading

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