Over the past year, we have been working along with the American Planning Association (APA) on the topic(s) of AI for urban planning. Here are a few items that are related to that work – with more on the way. APA (Petra Hurtado and her team) is also been doing some great work on smart cities. See the APA Knowledge Center for several publications: https://www.planning.org/knowledgecenter/
Sanchez, T.W. (2022). AI in Planning: Why Now Is the Time, Planning Magazine, American Planning Association, Chicago, IL. https://planning.org/planning/2022/winter/ai-in-planning-why-now-is-the-time/
Shumway, H. and T. Gordner (2022). Demystifying Artificial Intelligence in Planning. American Planning Association Knowledge Center Blog. https://planning.org/blog/9230706/demystifying-artificial-intelligence-in-planning/
Hurtado, P., Madi, N., and Sanchez, T.W. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Urban Planning: What Planners Need to Know Now. American Planning Association Knowledge Center Podcast Series. https://planning.org/podcast/artificial-intelligence-and-urban-planning-what-planners-need-to-know-now/
Sanchez, T.W., T. Gordner, and H. Shumway. (2021). The Prospects for AI in Urban Planning. Paper presented at the Association for Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Virtual, October.
Sanchez, T.W. and T. Gordner. (2021). The Potential for AI in Urban Planning: An Approach, presentation at the International Journal of Urban Sciences Symposium, Washington, D.C., October.
Sanchez, T.W., T. Lim, and P. Hurtado. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Urban Planning: Opportunities and Concerns, Panel presented at the American Planning Association National Conference, San Diego, CA, May.
This work was supported through grants from the National Science Foundation’s Smart and Connected Communities Program (Award #2125259) and the Virginia Tech, Institute for Society, Culture and Environment (ISCE) Scholars Program.