The 659 urban planning faculty with Google Scholar Citation Profiles (as of 12/8/2019) list 29,398 publications, an average of about 45 publications per faculty member (publications were only counted once even though approximately 2,000 were co-authored with other planning faculty). All publications currently average 44 citations (median of 10) for a total of 1,295,160 citations. The chart below shows the interquartile range (IQR) of citations for these publications by year. For most years the 25th quartile averages about 3 and the 75th quartile averages about 34. The highest two years are for publications in 1997 and 2003 (average of 64). The most highly cited publication among these is Regional Advantage by AnnaLee Saxenian with 13,247.
IQR of Citation Totals for Publications by Year

See also the updated urban planning program citation analysis and searchable database. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated (