Housing Policy Debate (HPD) announces its 2013 paper competition. HPD provides a venue for original research relating to U.S. housing policy. Subjects include affordable housing policy, fair housing policy, land use regulations influencing housing affordability, metropolitan development trends, and linkages among housing policy and energy, environmental, and transportation policy.
Those interested in submitting papers are encouraged to review the editor’s introduction in Volume 23, Issue 3 (2013) for topics of particular interest. The competition will be judged by the HPD associate editors. The winning author(s) will be awarded $1,000 by HPD
and announced in an upcoming issue of the journal. To enter, submit your completed
paper directly to HPD at HousingPolicyDebate@gmail.com by December 1, 2013.
Announcement: RHPD Paper Competition 2013 A4 – online